Friday, October 30, 2015

Unskilled Labor

I attempted to make brownies for the school/PTO Halloween party tonight and this happened:
They taste delicious, though
They are small, and stuck to the pan, and there are 13. And no kid in their right mind will buy them, because they are boring and un-Halloweeny. I was hoping to raid the kids' candy baskets for something Halloweeny to put on top, but they only had Necco wafers and those tiny paper dots, left over from Easter. So I pried the brownies out of the pan and dumped the crumbled bits in the cookie jar. A baker I am not.

Tuesday and Wednesday of this week were spent averting mini catastrophes.

I had convinced my father that "we" would fix the heating system so that the 2nd story of my house actually heats. This was part of my quest to start a new career in construction. My father proposed cutting the copper pipe and inserting two different valves, which seemed pretty straightforward. The project involved torches and solder, two things I hate, and flashlight holding, which I am ok at. It eventually involved calling in a plumber, who had magic tools at his disposal (and skills, and years of experience). I asked the plumber how I could become a plumber, because that seems like a great line of work. He told me how it's done, but I feel he doubted my abilities. Which is fair, because I'm pretty sure that's not the right route for me, what with the flames and solder and all.  He did mention his wife is looking to be a phlebotomist, which might be worth looking into.

The Baby's awake, so it's time to go back to my current profession:

-A Real Housewife of the North Shore

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