I feel like I've been in an identity crisis for the last six months, since I quit my job and the Baby came along. A lot of times I feel like I'm living in an alternate reality. This happened to me the other day while unloading the groceries from BJ's. I had bought 24 eggs.
Who Buys 24 Eggs?
The f'ing Easter Bunny? People with 5 children? Health nuts? ....
me. I buy 24 eggs now. And Thomas' English Muffins in a 12-pack. Because as a housewife, I now make Egg McMuffins for the Husband and myself almost every day. I put the eggs away in the fridge, wondering what happened to me. Five years ago, I bought Egg McMuffins and Large Diet Cokes on my way to work. That's me, the lady who orders an Egg McMuffin and a Diet Coke for breakfast at the drive-thru, then eats it at her desk while answering emails.
Who is this person who makes 8 cups of coffee, 3 sandwiches, and 2 Egg McMuffins in the morning while Baby hangs out in the pack n' play, Husband gets ready for work, and Thing One and Thing Two get ready for school?
Who is this person who gets up Sunday morning after a night of drinking, rushes Thing One and Thing Two to church school, then comes home and makes scrambled eggs and toast (and 8 cups of coffee) while juggling the Baby?
Who is this person who thinks, "We could really use a banana holder" ?
Who Likes Mondays?
I like Mondays now. It's the start of a fresh new week; it's laundry day; I have a plan! I will finish the day feeling accomplished because the laundry will be DONE (until Thursday).
Who is this person who wakes up Monday morning with a pep in her step as she takes the kids to school and waits for the bell, excited to get home and start laundry?
Who Has Time to Plan Meals?
For years, my modus operandi has been to buy whatever meat was on sale, bring it home, add the least number of ingredients to it as possible to make it edible, and serve it with a Knorr side and frozen vegetables. (Technically, defrosted vegetables.) Now I cross-reference the sale flyer with new recipes and plan meals for the week. I make the shopping list from recipes, to include items like shallots (where does one find a shallot??), rice noodles (these I could only find in one out of three stores), and leeks.
Who buys leeks? What the heck is a leek? Who gets excited for their mother to pass along the newest Good Housekeeping so she can check out the recipe section?
Don't Worry -
I'm (still) not a domestic diva. I do not have a spotless house; I still hate cooking. I frequently throw the bed together at 5pm so that the Husband thinks I have it together. I'm still me, with or without an office job, but at least once a week I wonder what being me means.
Apparently, I buy two dozen eggs. I,
-A Real Housewife of the North Shore