Monday, January 11, 2016

Post-Holiday Funk

Full disclosure: I am writing this post while drinking my coffee so that I can bravely tackle the Christmas lights next. Every year it's the same; the lights come down and they sit forlornly on my kitchen floor for days (sometimes weeks) until I get it together enough to carefully roll them up and put them away.

Insert lame joke about how they're hanging over my head here
Part of the problem is that I insist on putting them away in their original boxes. I've debated ending this practice, but that's just pushing the chaos of tangled wires to November, and I try to keep the Hanging of Lights Fun to a maximum. So every January 'tis the season for re-packaging hundreds of lights...

I think this is why people make New Year's resolutions. They're like mental coffee, spurring you into action in the dark days of winter when all you really want to do is curl up in front of a toasty fire with a blanket and slippers and sip something that warms you up from the inside. (Maybe this is just a Northeast Thing? I don't know if the same sentiment rings true if you live in Arizona.)

The gingerbread's been eaten, the lights are down - if not away - and the carols have all been wrung out of us. I somehow let New Year's slip by without making a resolution, and now I just feel purposeless. I've managed to be just good enough at being a Housewife that I can't dismiss continuing on in this fashion as an option. I don't really want to add daycare, after school care, and a 9-5 to my daily repertoire. But I also can't see myself being a Housewife for the next couple years, so it's going to have to happen at some point. Is it time to find a job, or do I refocus on writing, like I did in November? Can we afford to continue to have me stay at home?

For now, I'll resolve to write at least one post a week. Unless I get that job, because then I won't be "just"

-A Real Housewife of the North Shore

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