Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Unfinished Business

I'm going on a brief hiatus as I am attempting to participate in NaNoWriMo again this year (National Novel Writing Month). Last year, I wrote a story that only made it to 30,000 words; I am hoping to both finish my novel AND hit 50,000 words this year. This is infinitely harder with a 6-month-old, even though I'm not working (outside of the house) like I was last year.

There will be a lot of unfinished business this month as a result, including the stocking I was supposed to knit (half a toe done); cleaning the basement (may never get around to that one); and field trip planning (7 down, 5 to go). Somehow I do have to plan a birthday party for Thing 1 so I don't lose my parenting status.

It is hard to let things pile up after making some real headway the last couple months on things I've let slide for years. And thanks to the holidays, I know that it's going to be insane around here until January. Trying to wear ALL THE HATS, when I'm just

-A Real Housewife of the North Shore